Code Review

Explore insecure factors in the code to solve system security risks.

Multiple Audit Methods to Fully Identify System Vulnerabilities

  • Manually review

    Understand business logic by reading code and discover common web vulnerabilities, business logic vulnerabilities, and configuration flaws.

  • Simulated Execution, Trace Debug

    Simulate the code execution in test environment, or use the compiler to compile part of code execution, quickly position problems.

  • Semi-Automatic Tool Scan

    According to customer needs, semi-automated tools can be selected to scan the code after manual review to improve the accuracy of the results.

Keep Up with Top Technology to Maintain Cutting Edge Levels

Manage PWNHUB Community and Code Audit Intellectual Planet to share experiences and technical exchanges, equipped with the industry's latest technologies to ensure the leading service quality.

In-Depth Understanding of Financial Industry with Efficient Audit Ideas

Rich experience on serving financial customers, a set of code audit ideas specific to Java online banking which can solve problems quickly and thoroughly.

Summarize Coding Habits to Eradicate Same Mistakes

Summarize programming habits of program developers, explore blind spots for developers, and conduct targeted training to fundamentally solve hidden code problems caused by uneven security knowledge.